Is walking barefoot good for you?
When it comes to the health benefits of walking barefoot, opinion is divided. There are plenty of people who swear by it and plenty who believe it’s better to stick to shoes. Delve into a few of the pros and cons of ditching your footwear and giving the barefoot lifestyle a whirl.
The benefits of walking barefoot
In recent years, there’s been a rise in interest in the ‘barefoot movement’, with an increasing number of people interested in the potential benefits of freeing their feet when they’re on the move. What’s more, there does seem to be evidence to suggest that there are some potential plusses to walking barefoot.
A 2021 footwear study published in the National Library of Medicine found that daily exercise in minimal footwear improved foot strength. In fact, foot strength increased by an average of 57.4 percent over a six-month period. This suggests that when your feet are freed from restrictive footwear, your muscles might work harder to pick up the slack. So, if you’re looking to strengthen your feet, then perhaps experimenting with barefoot walking or minimalist footwear could help.
There are also a number of people who believe that walking barefoot is a grounding experience, helping them feel more connected with nature and also potentially passing on larger advantages. A group of researchers claimed to find that grounding – or earthing – by walking barefoot on the earth’s surface could offer a healing boost.
To feel those benefits, however, it’s important to take a measured approach. Suddenly switching to a barefoot lifestyle may lead to injury, so it’s best to slowly train your feet to get used to the change. Not only will this allow your muscles to strengthen gradually, but your skin will have an opportunity to toughen up a little at a time, too.
The potential problems with barefoot walking
If you’re considering increasing the amount of time you spend walking barefoot, there are a few negative possibilities worth considering too. While walking barefoot around your home or garden may pose few risks, the same can’t be said for all areas. For example, wearing pool shoes when you’re visiting a public swimming pool can help shield you from the fungal infections and verrucae that tend to thrive in hot and humid places.
Shoes provide protection as well as support and could save you from sharp objects, hot surfaces and even pests. There are some places where walking barefoot may be a pleasant experience, such as a well-tended public park with soft grass, and others were it’s not as enjoyable. For example, a busy railway station or high street may be full of hazards ranging from spillages to heavy luggage.
As we just mentioned, some shoes offer excellent support while you’re walking and running. Not all shoes are created equally, of course, and height fitting shoes or high heels won’t offer the same benefits as shoes designed for running, for example. However, it’s worth considering the fact that this extra support can help your feet deal with the incredible amount of pressure and shock they absorb every time we walk or run.
Should I switch to barefoot walking?
If you’re considering incorporating more barefoot time into your routine, it’s important to focus on both comfort and safety. While walking barefoot can offer benefits like increased foot strength and a closer connection to nature, it’s not for everyone, especially if you have certain foot conditions. The key is to listen to your body and take gradual steps. Pay attention to how your feet respond and make adjustments as needed.
Empower your feet
If you’re thinking about walking barefoot more often, taking proper care of your feet is key to feeling confident and comfortable. Regularly using foot files to remove rough patches, applying moisturising foot creams to keep your skin soft, and indulging in foot masks to rejuvenate tired feet can make all the difference.
These steps not only improve the look and feel of your feet but also prepare them for the freedom of going barefoot. With well-cared-for feet, you can fully enjoy the benefits of walking barefoot—whether it’s connecting with nature or simply feeling more at ease in your own skin. Take care of your feet, and you’ll be ready to step outside with confidence.